
New health results:

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  SDCA 2 N/N - negative!!! Congrats!


New show results:

05.11.2017 - International show, Praha, CZ

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  Excellent 1st, CAC



TOP 10 KCHBO 2017 in Czech Rep. (results from all CAC shows in CZ)

s.r. s. T.s. Int.Ch. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny (only  2 shows!!!) - BEST VETERAN TERVUEREN FEMALE (competed 10 females) +

                                                                                                                         2nd BEST VETERAN FEMALE OF ALL VARIETIES (competed 17 females)                                                             

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny  (only 4 shows!!!) - 10th BEST ADULT TERVUEREN FEMALE  (competed 22 females)                                                                                    

GrandCh. Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny (only 5 shows!!!) - 7th BEST ADULT TERVUEREN MALE (competed 22 males)                                                                               

IntCh. Ch. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny (only 5 shows!!!) - 4th BEST ADULT GROENENDAEL FEMALE (competed 14 females)

Ch. JCh. NOBLE BLACK ARCHI z Kovárny (only 1 show!!!) - BEST VETERAN GROENENDAEL MALE + 4th BEST STUD DOG GROENENDAEL (competed 28 males, 3 children)

Daughters of our Archi - s. IntCh. AGATHA Storytelling - 6th Best adult tervueren female (competed 22 females)         

                                               GrandCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - 4th Best adult tervueren female (competed 22 females)    



New work results:

20.10.2017 - Belgian Shepherd Herding Cup + KCHBO Championship in herding 2017, Dolní Kounice, CZ

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - IHT 1 Ts  - 53pts / 75pts, Very good, 3rd place!!!



Son of our Archi - DUCKLING NOBLE Callistopeia - ZTV 2 (266pt, Good - rescue, search in field)



New photos:

New photos have :

     Noble Black Archi ,,Archi,,                           The Best One ,,Draco,,                                                          Tashi ,,Kiwi,,                                             Take It Easy ,,Easy,,








New health results:

Examination of eyes for hereditary eye defects -  2.9.2017, MVDr. Jiří Beránek

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Eyes OK

s. IntCh. LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Eyes OK

IntCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Eyes OK


New show results:

03.09.2017 - National (all breed) show, Helsinky, FIN

daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 1st, CQ, Best Female, CAC, BOS!!!


09.09.2017 - Specialty show SKBO, Piatrová, SK

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Excellent 1st, BOB VETERAN, BEST IN SHOW VETERAN!!!


GrandCh. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ

IntCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ

daughters of our  Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Very good 1st (out of coat)

                                     s. IntCh. AGATHA Storytelling  - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ


16.09.2017 - Club show KCHBO, Horka nad Moravou, CZ

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ, BEST FEMALE, BOB!!!

s. IntCh. LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 2nd (out of coat)

Ch. JCh. NOBLE BLACK ARCHI z Kovárny ,,Archi,, - Excellent 1st (veteran class)

IntCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Very good 4th (absolutely out of coat)

daughters of our  Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Very good 3rd (absolutely out of coat)

son of our  Unai - TASHI z Kovárny - Very Promising 2nd



17.09.2017 - International Show, Nitra, SK

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Excellent 1st, BOB Veteran, BOS!!!

GrandCh. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, res. CACIB = he finished the title of GRAND CHAMPION SK!!!


30.09.2017 - International show, Arad, RO

IntCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!! = she finished the titles of INTERCHAMPION CIE + CIB!!!

daughter of our  Archi - Ch. JCh. HATTIE BLACK z JBonda - Excellent 2nd, res.CAC, res.CACIB


30.09.2017 - National show, Arad, RO

IntCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, BOB!!! = she finished the title of CHAMPION OF ROMANIA!!!

daughter of our  Archi - Ch. JCh. HATTIE BLACK z JBonda - Excellent 2nd, res.CAC

  Fia :-)


01.10.2017 - International Show, Arad, RO

daughter of our  Archi - Ch. JCh. HATTIE BLACK z JBonda - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB, semifinaliste of BIG (5 dogs)!!! = she finished the title of  INTERCHAMPION CIE!!!



New work results:

17.09.2017 -  Championship DKBS Germany for belgian shepherds in Obedience

son of our Archi - DEVIL NOBLE Callistopeia - OB 2 - 236pts/Very good - 3rd place!!!


New photos:

New photos have :

                                      Peerless Black ,,Petrus,,                                    Precious Black ,,Elan,, + Pepper Black ,,Lobo,,            Piranha Black ,,Vita,,







New show results:

12.08.2017 - International show, Mladá Boleslav, CZ

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Excellent 1st, BOB VETERAN, BOS!!! (her first show in veteran class)

daughters of our  Archi - Gr.Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC

                                     s. Ch. AGATHA Storytelling  - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB = she finished the title of INTERCHAMPION CIE!!!


          Unai Unique z Kovárny                               Agatha Storytelling



13.08.2017 - International show, Zakopané, PL

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, NSwR (best female), BOB!!!

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, NPwR (best male)

daughter of our  Archi - Gr.Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, NSwR (best female)



19.08. + 20.08.2017 - NATIONALE D'ELEVAGE, Aubigny sur Nere, FR

s.r. s. T.s. IntCh. FRCh. UNAI UNIQUE z Kovárny ,,Koník,, - Excellent 1st (7 females in champion class)

s. IntCh. LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, BEST WORKING TERVUEREN, BIS 3 of working classes!!!


                                                        Unai Unique z Kovárny                                                                                                                                                                       Little Unai z Kovárny         


19.08.2017 - International show, Tallin, EST

daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 1st, CQ, BF1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!


20.08.2017 - International show, Tallin, EST

daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 2nd, CQ, BF4



New work results:

18.08.2017 - Nationale d'Elevage, Aubigny sur Nere, FR

s. IntCh. LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - CSAU Excellent (sociability + obedience), TAN Excellent (shooting)



New photos:

New photos have :

             Little Unai ,,Chilli,,                        Unai Unique ,,Koník,,                           Tashi ,,Kiwi,,                                  Tervueren ,,Nero,,


                                Phoenix Black ,,Kika,,                                                Piranha Black ,,Vita,,







New heath resultsí:

Son of our Unai - TASHI z Kovárny ,,Kiwi" -  Complete denture, scissor bite!!! Congrats!

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  HD A 0/0, ED 0/0, SA 0, OCD neg., Patella 0/0, LTV 0 !!! Congratulations!



New show results:

02.06.2017 - International Show, Nitra, SK

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Semifinaliste BIG (6 best dogs FCI 1)!!! = he finished the title of CHAMPION SK


10.06.2017 - Specialty show, Laukaa, FIN

Daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 4th, CQ (14 females!!)

10.06.2017 - National show, Alavus, FIN

Daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 2nd


17.06.2017 - National show, Kotka, FIN

Daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny - Very good 3rd


24.06.2017 - International show, Brno, CZ

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st

Son of our Unai - Tashi z Kovárny - Very Promising 1st (his very first show and very nice judgement)


01.07.2017 - International show, Vežká Ida, SK

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!


02.07.2017 - International show, Vežká Ida, SK

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, res. CACIB

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOS = she finished the title of GRAND CHAMPION SK


15.07.2017 - National show, Mladá Boleslav, CZ

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, NATIONAL WINNER 2017, CAC-CMKU, BOB!!!

Ch. LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, NATIONAL WINNER 2017, CAC-CMKU, BOB!!!



New work results:

Son of our Archi - DUCKLING NOBLE Callistopeia - RH-FL E (177pts., Good, International admission exam of rescue dog fitness - areas)



Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  IHT 1 Ts  - 74pts. out of 75pts., Excellent, 1st place in race !!!



Son of our Archi - DUCKLING NOBLE Callistopeia - ZVP 2 (277pts., Very good, Rescue water works 2)



New photos:

New photos have :

        Perfect Black Unai ,,Fia,,                 Lots Of Love ,,Lucky,,                     Piranha Black ,,Vita,,                      Peerless Black ,,Petrus,,                     Patsi Black ,,Ronja,,



        Talented Love ,,Chozsé,,                           Take It Easy ,,Easy,,                                 Tashi ,,Kiwi,,                                          The Best One ,,Draco,,












New health results:

Daughter of our Unai - PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny ,,Vita" -  Hips HD A, Elbows ED 0/0, Shoulders SA 0, LTV 0, VA 0!!! Congrats!

Daughter of our  Archi - s. Ch. AGATHA Storytelling  -  Eyes OK (5/2017)

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  Eyes OK (5/2017)



New show results:

06.05.2017 - International show, Lučenec, SK

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 2nd, res.CAC, res.CACIB

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOS

- Lots Of Love


13.05.2017 - Club show KCHBO, Mladá Boleslav, CZ

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 3rd

Daughter of our  Archi - s. Ch. AGATHA Storytelling  - Excellent 2nd, res.CAC

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ, BEST IN SHOW of working classes!!!

Son of our Archi - ACCIO MIRACULUM Yassalen - Very good 3rd (totaly out of coat)

- Am I Lischka


14.05.2017 - Specialty show KCHBO, Mladá Boleslav, CZ

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 3rd

Daughter of our  Archi - s. Ch. AGATHA Storytelling  - Excellent 2nd, res.CAC + SELECTED CZ to breeding s.

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Very good 1st

- Agatha


20.05.2017 - Club show SKBO, Malý Lapáš, SK

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Very good 1st

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Very good 3rd

Daughter of our  Archi - s. Ch. AGATHA Storytelling  - Very good 1st (because her colour... Sable/Gris)

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, ČKŠ, CLUB WINNER, BEST IN SHOW of Working classes!!!

                                                                                 She finished the title of CLUB CHAMPION SKBO SK!!!
- Little Unai



New work results:

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - she passed internatinal working exam HWT Ts (herding)!!!

Daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  IHT 1 Ts  - 54pts, very good, 1st pace in race!!!

- Fia   - Am I Lischka


Completed exams from Dogdancing of daughter of our Archi - Ch. JCh. HATTIE BLACK z JBonda  -  HtM 1 (Excellent) - she finished the title MOD 1

                                                                                                                                                                                     DWD 1 (Excellent), F1 (Excellent), MD 1 (Excellent)









All boys have their new owners and they them happy :-) Good luck boooyyys!!!

Accompanied by all the information (health, owners, photos ...) about our 6 boys ,,T" z Kovárny



New health results:

Daughter of our Archi - AM I LISCHKA Yassalen  -  SDCA1 - N/N ( clear)!!!! Congrats!!!



New show results:

01.04.2017 - National Show, Swiebodzice, PL

Daughter of our Archi - AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellnet 1st, CAC PL, NSwR (Best Female), BOB


02.04.2017 - International Show, Bratislava, SK

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB = she finished the title of GRAND CHAMPION SK!!!
LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC

PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB!!!


08.04.2017 - National Show, Ostrava, CZ

JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC = she finished the title of JUNIOR CHAMPION CZ!!!

Daughter of our Archi - AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC


09.04.2017 - National Show, Zabrze, PL

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC PL, NPwR (Best male), BOB!!!

Ch. JCh. PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Excellent 1st, CAC PL, NSwR (Best female), BOB!!! = she finished the title of CHAMPION PL!!!



Nové výsledky výcviku:

15.04.2016 -  Exam of rescue

son of our Archi - DUCKLING NOBLE Callistopeia - ZZP 1 (test of rescue work - debris) - 268 pts, Good, 2nd place in The Cup of Trainers!! Congratulations!









All puppies have new photos from age 8 weeks! 2 beautiful boys are still available - black boy Talented Love and orange boy Tevueren!

 Boys underwent eyes examination for hereditary eyes defects with a perfect result - all are OK!!! :-)

Slowly boys are feeling to their new homes :-) Good Luck!!!

More in section PUPPIES







All puppies have new photos from age almost 7 weeks!

Yesterday puppies were vaccinated and chipped and they have alredy given a names :-). On Thursday they will have litter control, on saturday eyes examination for hereditary eyes defects.

Since Sunday they can slowly to pack backpacks to their new homes :-)

More in section PUPPIES


New show results:

04.03.2017 - Dog show, Groningen, NL

daughter o our Unai - PHOENIX BLACK z Kovárny - Excellent 1st, CAC






All puppies have new photos from age almost 6 weeks! Some boys are still available!

Puppies are several dewormed, treated against external parasites and on the weekend they moved to an outdoor enclosure where they have more space to play :-)

More in section PUPPIES



New show results:

TOP 10 in Slovakia - show season of year 2016

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny  - BEST ADULT FEMALE TERVUEREN + 2nd BEST FEMALE TERVUEREN through ages                                                                                 


TOP 10 in Poland - show season of year 2016                                                               

PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny - 3rd BEST ADULT FEMALE GROENENDAEL (competed 20 females!!!)







All puppies have new photos from age almost 5 weeks!

Puppies are contact, they love pepople, playful, lively and big :-D

They weigh about 2500g in less than 5 weeks of age, all have scissor bite.


More in section PUPPIES!



New health results:

Daughter of our Archi - DERIE ULKAINE Callistopeia  -  HD A, ED 0/0, SA 0/neg.!!! Congrats!!! We are very very happy!


New show results:

18.02.2017 - Champion of champions 2017, Bratislava, SK

daughter of our  Archi - AGATHA Storytelling - Excellent 1st, CAC, Victory Winner 2017


19.02.2017 - National show, Bratislava, SK

daughter of our  Archi - AGATHA Storytelling - Excellent 1st, CAC, Winner of Slovakia 2017, BOS



New videos:

With mum - 4 weeks old - out litter ,,T,, z Kovárny


Almost 5 weeks old - a daily battles :-)






All puppies have new photos from age 3,5 weeks! Some boys are still available!

More in section PUPPIES!



New videos:

Time for playing :-) - puppies 3,5 weeks old






Puppies are growing very well :-) Today they have 3 weeks! Some boys are still available!

They have new photos from age 17 days. More in section PUPPIES!


New show results:

04.02.2017 - International show, Brno, CZ

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, res.CACIB = she finished the title of GRAND CHAMPION CZ


05.02.2017 - International show, Brno, CZ

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, CAC





New health results:

PIRANHA BLACK z Kovárny ,,Vita" -  checked eyes - OK (1/2017)


New show results:

Daddy of our current puppies (,,T" litter z Kovárny) CAESAR von den Wilden Erlen finished his show title CHAMPION of VDH (Germany)!!! Congratulations!!!







On Thursday 17.01.2017 were born PUPPIES of our UNAI!!!

We have 6 boys, all are Fauve (red).

Boys got ribbons in colors blue, green, black, orange, yellow and red.

First photos and more informations in section PUPPIES



New show results:

07.01.2017 - National show, Brno, CZ

s. IntCh., JBISS LITTLE UNAI z Kovárny ,,Chilli,, - Excellent 1st, CAC

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC, NATIONAL WINNER 2017, CAC CMKU, BOS

PERFECT BLACK UNAI z Kovárny ,,Fia" - Very good 1st (totaly out of coat)

daughter of our  Archi - AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC, NATIONAL WINNER 2017, CAC CMKU




15.01.2017 - International show, Nitra, SK

LOTS OF LOVE z Kovárny ,,Lucky,, - Excellent 1st, CAC

daughter of our  Archi - AM I LISCHKA Yassalen - Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB = she finished the title of Champion of Slovakia







  News 2013 + 2014 + 2015 + 2016

  News 2012 + 2013